HolyHeretic Zine

HolyHeretic Zine


This is the July 2014 e-edition of Holy Heretic zine, a monthly publication of Mercy Junction in Chattanooga, Tenn. Holy Heretic is a monthly zine influenced by the wisdom of diverse traditions to inspire readers to create a more just world. Each issue of Holy Heretic includes a daily reading and center article around the monthly theme. Holy Heretic collaborates with activists, people of faith, writers and artists to discuss issues of equality, justice and oppression around topics ranging from the economy, housing and food to the environment, animals and culture -- all with a creative, sometimes snarky, sometimes provocative, always loving edge. We seek to bring together the voices of individuals from different faith traditions, as well as those who are not religious, to comment on the calling of people of conscience to work toward justice. Hard copies of each issue are produced individually, by hand, and are available for a $10 donation. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please email holyhereticzine@gmail.com for more information.
