Swinda Reichelt

Swinda Reichelt


…This is a story of flight, a story of roots, a story of a wondering child on a mission not even she knows. It is a story about a girl, who can be anything she wants, and can go anywhere that she dreams off, just by rubbing her nose. There will be memories, discovery, time, light, darkness and the unknown. A phosphorescent light bathes every morning. The presences of mystery and dreams, so luminous, as you navigate the labyrinth. Every journey knows a secret destination. You part the swelling mist through the reflection of the hidden side of the moon. You rip the vines intertwined in your path. You are dancing the dream on the brink of barren ravaged realms. And find your way without a map, relying on a memory embedded in your mothers embrace. On stormy nights you'll find your way home in the heart of a rose. A zebra crosses the road; a winged hare greets a turtle with ancient markings. A whale spirals down a waterfall into a dark glowing tunnel; Clapping stone hands are now silent; A stony hawk that can bridge any gap; the octopus is confined in a sleep induced by a strange presence and a once thriving town lays empty. A flock of fish and a school of sheep; Amphibians lay their eggs that hatch into beautiful flying creatures; Birds that can maneuver the skies and the depths of the oceans. A chilling freeze has blanketed a loving heart. An unfamiliar island chained to a distant reality. A magical portal that is filled with brilliant wonders and terrifying horrors. It beckons an audience. All of this enveloped into a wondrous world of cities, towns and villages floating on beds of clouds...
This is where Tinee lives...
